Mar.2020 03
Views: 1862
Characteristics and Advantages of Cassette Fan Coil Unit
Let us learn about the Characteristics and Advantages of Cassette Fan Coil Unit.
  1. 普通款:自然排水,运行更可靠。
Ordinary model of Cassette Fan Coil Unit: natural drainage, more reliable operation.
Luxury model of Cassette Fan Coil Unit: equipped with remote controller, flexible control mode, equipped with condensate lifting pump, convenient drainage pipe layout, compression body thickness of 100 mm.
  1. 四面全方位出风,使应用场所室内温度更加均匀,缩短室内升温或降温时间。
Cassette Fan Coil Unit : All-round air outlet on all sides makes the indoor temperature in the application site more uniform and shortens the indoor heating or cooling time.
  1. 安装方便,无需单独采购安装进、出风口,结构设计便利,检修方便,减少了工程量。
Cassette Fan Coil Unit : The installation is convenient, the air inlet and outlet do not need to be separately purchased and installed, the structural design and the maintenance is convenient, the engineering quantity is reduced.
  1. 配备导风条,可调节出风方向分布。
Cassette Fan Coil Unit : Equipped with air guide strips, which can adjust the distribution of air outlet direction.
  1. 可选配备遥控及自动摆风。
Cassette Fan Coil Unit :  Optional equipped with remote control and automatic wind swing.
  1. 坚固耐用离心风机,超静音运转,节能环保。
Cassette Fan Coil Unit : Strong and durable centrifugal fan, ultra-quiet operation, energy saving and environmental protection.
  1. 可选择4管制结构。
Cassette Fan Coil Unit : Four pipe structures can be selected.
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