May.2020 12
Views: 1890
Hooked-up to a fan coil unit the HVAC

Fan coil unit, as a terminal device, has a very simple structural principle. The most important thing about fan coil unit is its installation. If fan coil unit is not installed properly, it will definitely add a lot of trouble. Especially if fan coil unit is not installed properly in these two places, there will definitely be trouble. Where is it?

Horizontal concealed fan coil

One of the key installation points of fan coil units is the connection between fan coil units and water pipes. This place looks very simple, but it is actually very important. When the fan coil units are connected with water pipes, it is not only required to have the same specifications and natural matching, but also to remember to use soft connection, preferably transparent rubber pipes. In this way, natural matching will not cause violent damage to the unit's pulling pipes and will not cause water leakage. The hose is used to avoid too much vibration noise when the fan coil units are running. The transparent pipes are used to facilitate observation of the water situation in the internal machine. If problems are found, they can be handled in time.

The second key point of fan coil unit installation is the design of condensing water pipe. It is known that fan coil will produce some condensed water due to some natural reasons, and water flows downwards. Therefore, if the condensing water pipe can be discharged smoothly, a certain slope must be made for the condensing water pipe. If the slope of the condensing water pipe is not made well, the discharge of condensed water will be affected, which will cause water leakage in the condensing plate of fan coil. If horizontal concealed fan coil is installed, it will cause bubble roof phenomenon, which is also very troublesome.

After reading the above analysis, we should know the importance of these two places when installing horizontal concealed fan coil units. In order to avoid a lot of troubles in the later stage, we must pay attention to these two items at the initial stage of installation of horizontal concealed fan coil units.

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